Use LOX-8 to Prevent Chlorine Leaks

Many millions of metric tons of chlorine are produced every year in North America with the greatest volume (40%) going into the production of polyvinyl chloride (PVC). Another 37% of chlorine produced in North America is used in other organic compounds, including basic chemicals needed for manufacturing, and solvents for metalworking, dry cleaning and electronics. About 4% is used for water treatment.
Chlorine gas or liquid is a strong oxidizing material and can react violently with a number of organic materials. For that reason, only products approved to be used with chlorine should be used when working with this chemical.
LOX-8 is proven to be effective at stopping chlorine leaks.
LOX-8 Paste thread sealant and LOX-8 Grease have been used in the chlorine industry for over 50 years and are recommended by members of the Chlorine Institute (Pamphlet 164). Not only are these products safe to use with chlorine but they are proven to be effective at stopping chlorine leaks. is your go-to source of LOX-8 and all other Fluoramics products.